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Meeting Minutes from Homecoming (Annual) and Summer Meetings
Sigma Pi Housing Corporation2001 Annual Homecoming Meeting – Minutes
Attendance / Call to OrderMeeting called to order at 10:06am by Ron VanRooyen
list of attendees present at meeting is unavailable
Vote to accept Meeting Minutes from 2001 Summer GatheringMotion passed: to accept meeting minutes as presented.
Ratification of motions from 2001 Summer GatheringMotions ratified: with one amendment: Motion amended to read – “Funding of web site to be for a one year period beginning at Annual Meeting”
Treasurer’s Report – Expense and Disbursement SummaryBalance in petty cash account is $685.00
There is a carryover from last year of $552.10
Motion passed: to accept Treasurers report as presented
Financial Report – Status of our investmentsFinances – Loss on investments of approx 20%: consistent with market conditions. No changes made to current portfolio. Detailed report distributed at Annual Meeting.
Election of OfficersMotion passed: to continue present officers in current roles for another one year term until elections at Annual Homecoming Meeting.
Discussion on additional topics
Corporation legal statusNeed to re-file with State of Wisconsin at a cost of $250/hr. Legal firm has been engaged to examine legal implications and status. Discussion on becoming Non-Profit and related stock value repercussions.Ron to transfer $1000 back to treasurer to support legal efforts in pursuit of re-incorporation.Attorney’s address (Brent Skinner Law Firm) to be used as address of record for corporation business related to filing of legal documentation with State of Wisconsin.President Ron Van Rooyen, conveyed that any Corporation business decisions need to be voted on/ratified at Annual Homecoming Meeting, rather than at summer gathering.
MIA’sInformation and newsletters to be sent out to all Brothers whether they own stock or not. Bob/Dean to continue to search for missing brothers.
Web SiteMotion passed: to fund development and a web site for the Corporation. A limit of $50.00/month was set for administrative and hosting costs associated with the site. Web site address is contact information for brothers to be available on web site. Web site will be central location to post event information.Possibility of getting each brother an email account.
2002 Summer GatheringWinona attracts best turnout (24+ brothers) over Menomonie/Milwaukee/Minneapolis. Horse’s idea to have the summer event in Cadot for “Rockfest” was shot down with a vengeance, when he mentioned it was “Camping Only” for the accommodations.Motion passed: keep summer event in Winona on 4 weekend of June. Options on other activities for summer event continue to be examined.
Scholarship /Endowment update Scholarship - $500 given to son of Brent Retzlaff.$5000 in Stout Foundation – disbursement amounts not known as Treasurer Dean Mason has not received a letter to that effect from StoutOwen Goodman Scholarship being administered and is active.
Communication of informationA suggestion was made to make available the meeting minutes from the previous meeting, to allow historical perspective and insight into previous topics of discussion and motions. Bob Reinert will have copies of these available at future meetings as well as available on the web site.
Motion to adjourn meetingMotion passed: Meeting adjourned at 11:15am

Sigma Pi Housing Corporation2001 Summer Meeting – Minutes
Attendees – Dean Mason, Brent Retzlaff, Mike Chopin, Tom Kaliher, Gary Schoenborn, Fran Netteberg, Bob Briese, Ron Van Rooyan, John Wesolek, Bob Reinert,
Topics of Discussion
§ Legal status of corporation - In 1998 the State of Wisconsin dropped our corporation status due to lack of yearly filing of minutes from our corporation meetings.
§ There is an unresolved issue of profit vs. non-profit status.
§ There is concern regarding financial liability. Do we need to indemnify our officers/shareholders against any personal financial liability?
§ A motion was passed at the 2000 Annual Meeting to table any action on these items until accurate information was made available to stockholders. Ron Van Rooyen and Bill Gehrand volunteered to discuss these concerns with a corporate attorney and/or State of Wisconsin Commerce Department and present this information at the Annual Corporation meeting.
§ Dean Mason and Bob Reinert volunteered to work on a list of brothers who are MIA.
§ A suggestion was made to make available the meeting minutes from the previous meeting, to allow historical perspective and insight into previous topics of discussion and motions. Bob Reinert will have copies of these available at future meetings as well as available on the web site.
§ A motion was passed to schedule future summer events during the 4 weekend of June.
§ A motion was passed to replace Dean Mason as Secretary with Bob Reinert until the annual corporation meeting when the annual election of officers occurs. Dean will still maintain his position of Treasurer.
§ A motion was passed to examine alternative activities for the summer event (i.e. fishing, boating, etc.)
§ A motion was passed to fund development and a web site for the Corporation. A limit of $50.00/month was set for administrative and hosting costs associated with the site. The web site is anticipated to be operational by the Annual Corporation meeting.
Finances - Report available at Annual Meeting
Potential topics for 2002 Annual Meeting:
Status of our investments
Property purchase – rental or new chapter
Status of Scholarships / Endowments
MIA Brothers?
Corporation legal status – Rules of Incorporation, quorum, liability of officers
Methods / content of communication to Brothers (web, mailings, email)
Bob Reinert
Secretary, Sigma Pi Housing Corp.

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