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2011 Homecoming

Events > Homecoming

Sitting: Dan Smrekar, Dave Close, Steve Genske, Brent Retzlaff, Jim Aaanas.
Standing: Mike Hosni, Truman, Jeff Trendel, Dave Schneck, Dick Peterson, Don VanHeel, John Wesolek,
Gary Schoenborn, Leo Neville, Bob Briese, Bob Raap, Bob Reinert.

Homecoming activities began Friday evening at The Buck and other establishments. The local taxi's
provided most transportation to downtown Menomonie.

Saturday morning the brothers met at Ky-Oties west of Menomonie, for a brief meeting, Bloody Mary's
and beverages prior to the buffet breakfast. As usual the breakfast included many items and plenty of food.

It is always great to see some brothers not able to attend yearly. Leo Neville, Dave Close, Dick Peterson and Dan Smrekar were some from the past years. By getting some brothers from the past back, it keeps the group
in touch and going as some can not be present yearly.

After the meeting and breakfast some stayed for beverages. The UW-Stout homecoming game with UW-Eau Claire followed for some. Others adjourned to establishments in Menomonie and even some golf. Saturday evening many of the brothers gathered at the Stout Ale House in North Menomonite for the Wisconsin/
Nebraska football game.

Additional pictures from Homecoming are posted on the website Image Gallery.

It is hoped to see all the brothers back for the 2012 Summer Annual/Golf Meeting and UW-Stout Homecoming.
Details for these future events will be posted on the website when available. A email will also be sent for
these activities.

Any updates to changes in address, phone, or email should be sent to:

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