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June 13, 2015
Gary Schoenborn, represented The UW-Stout Sigma Pi Alumnis Foundation in Placement
of the Legacy Veterans Stone in Neilsville, WI.
Introducing himself as a Vietnam Veteran, a graduate of UW-Stout and a Sigma Pi
Fraternity alumnus, he stated:
The fraternity is dedicating this Legacy Stone to ALL veterans. The Sigma Pi Fraternity
was active in the 60's, 70's and 80's. During this time the Vietnam War was in progress and effected all. The fraternity had a couple of hundred members throughout these years and approximately 2 dozen were Veterans.
Gary, proposed to the Alumni brothers, if they would support and purchase a stone to
honor all Veterans. It was whole heartedly agreed and Legacy Stone is being placed.
At the placement, one of the Veteran members was unable to attend due to health but
sent a story to be read.
An experience, one morning in Nam, I was walking to the duty station and past the
swimming pool. Numerous piles of clothes were neatly folded with boots and
weapons sitting on top. In the pool there were 3 lines of young soldiers and a
Chaplain standing in waist deep water. These soldiers (18-20 years) were being
baptized prior to heading into the jungle.
These young men were doing what their country asked of them. No questions asked.
It was hoped that all of them would make back to the states. A greeting being sure,
that they did not expect. There names were not known, but they will alwys be his hero.
God bless all our Veterans!!! Donn Warner, Blen Hoa Vietnam, 1970....
In closing, I would like to thank all the Veterans and those that support Veterans.