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2010 Homecoming

Events > Homecoming

Front Row: Dean Mason, Gary Schoenborne, Bob Briese
Back Row: Donn Warner, Don VanHeel, Tom Grabowski, Bob Raap, Bob Reinert, Truman, Jeff Trendel,
Dave Schneck, Jim Aanas, Brent Retzlaff, Nick Rassbach (Not pictured)

Friday evening was the start of Homecoming activities at The Buck for many. Other establishments
were also on the agenda to visit. The local taxi and the drunk bus provided transportation to downtown

Saturday morning Ky-Otes was the meeting place for Bloody Mary's and beverages prior to breakfast
and the informal meeting. A full breakfast buffet included many items and plenty of good food.

It was good to see Tom Grabowski and Donn Werner, faces from the past years.

Donn Warner entertained us with some humorous songs using his kareoke equipment.

After the breakfast meeting some of the brothers took in some golf. Others adjourned to some
establishments and later watched the Ohio St/Wisconsin Badger game.

Nick Rassbach presented the brothers with some memorabelia from the 317 Park Circle Delta Sigma House.
The pictures will be reviewed and hopefully transferred to a digital format. Other items it is hoped will be
available at the Annual Meeting/Golf Outing.

Additional pictures from Homecoming are posted in the Image Gallery.

It is hoped to see more new faces and brothers back for Homecoming in 2011. Details for 2011 will be on the
website under the future events. A email will also be sent in advance for the activities.

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